Retirement planning is the important task of deciding how you will live once you retire. Retirement planning involves the consideration of a number of factors, including at what age you hope to retire, how much money you will need to cover living expenses coupled with the things you plan to do once you’ve retired, and where your money will come from.

Generally speaking, retirement planning is planning your finances for the period of life after you stop working.

Each person’s situation is unique, and therefore, retirement planning isn’t one standard plan for every person. Saving money for retirement through one or all of the available retirement planning options is the first place to start.

Retirement planning involves more than just saving money.

Depending on what age you hope to be when you retire, retirement planning should also involve tax planning. You can begin retirement planning at any stage in life, though earlier is better. Be prepared to make changes in your plan as your life changes, and when you finally reach retirement, the retirement planning you’ve done will leave you better prepared to relax knowing your finances are taken care of.