Our commitment is to build long term relationships with our clients and their employees. Our Employee Benefit services offer South African employees a wide range of long-term financial solutions, including insurance protection and providing retirement solutions that are tax efficient and build a culture of loyalty from your employees.

Member education, ongoing servicing, reporting and annual risk rebroke is vital to ensure appropriateness, price competitiveness, tax efficiency and structure.

Contact Bekker Investments:

Contact Bekker Investments to start your retirement.

If your business does not have a Group Scheme in place then you may want to consider consider the following… 

Has your company ever had to provide some sort of benefit when a staff member has retired, died, become disabled or been retrenched? If so, what impact did it have on your bottom line?

If a valued staff member retired, died or became disabled and you could not provide any benefits to them or their family, consider the impact it would have on the morale of the rest of your staff.

Why you need a Group Scheme?

Attracting and retaining staff – winning the war for talent!

With a retirement fund in place, an employer’s salary package offer looks much more attractive. Offering comprehensive benefits assists in not only attracting the best candidates, but retaining existing employees.

Taking advantage of tax concessions

The government provides a number of important tax concessions to retirement fund members which are aimed at reducing the number of people dependent on the social old age pension. This is to encourage employers to provide employee benefits to their staff – and for staff to also save towards their retirement.

And for those companies that have a Group Scheme…

  • When last was your fund reviewed?
  • Is it structured efficiently for the size and nature of your business?
  • Are you maximising the tax relief available to employers who contribute to retirement   funds.
  • Are your employees receiving regular communication in respect of their benefits?
  • Do you know who administers your fund? Are you satisfied with your current service levels?
  • Do you have information readily available e.g. up to the minute returns on investment portfolios and immediate access to member and fund information?