Newsletter – October 2024 – Issue 148

Markets are rising slowly, and the rand is starting to weaken again. The Trump / Harris circus is almost here, and our rugby year end tour is around the corner, The surprise for the year is gold which is up 37.51% for the last 12 months. This has pushed the 5-year average to 16.43% p.a.
I have never been a gold fan, but it is a hedge against inflation and a safe haven in bad times. We have sourced a few excellent Gold ETF’s and with our next review in January we might incorporate some into our portfolio’s.
Mauritius office update.
The offices will be ready in February 2025. We are also hoping that our licenses will be issued by then.
Bekker Investments Private Funds update
We have been in constant consultation with PIM Capital Funds Services, who are going to assist and help us run our own local and offshore funds. We will initially have two local funds and one offshore fund. Once we have more detail, we will share the information with all our investment clients as well as all the advantages to our clients, by us doing this.