We are back from a glorious holiday in Mozambique. We worked hard but it was fun, and for the first time in 3 years we have some money in the bank.
December ended off well and overall, the 2023 year was kind to investors. All the Economists, fund managers and clever people are saying that 2024 is going to be good for markets for various reasons. (See attached).
1. I think that interest rates are going to come down.
2. It is going to be an interesting election in South Africa, and you are going to see the ANC scrambling and giving the family jewels away to stay in power.
3. The American one is also going to be interesting. I hope Trump wins, but it might be difficult running a country from jail.
4. Emerging countries is a good bet, as they have been hammered the last two years.
My view is still to have the bulk of your investments offshore. The rand lost 10% to the dollar last year and it will continue.